"> '); leadership | christinatinkertalks.com

I have found that many people are willing to be disruptive and join a cause that is gaining traction. I have also found that few people are willing to challenge the people who corrupt a just cause. Brave Leaders say Brave Things…Always…Not when it’s easy; Not when it’s cool….Always. CHRISTINA TINKER Now is one of […]


July 29, 2020

When it’s not Easy or Cool, Brave Leaders say Brave Things

When we look into the eyes of another person, and see ourselves reflected back, we will see that together anything is possible. Leadership is not a title or even an action; it is a way of being that lifts, sustains, and renews life for all people.


June 14, 2020

What the Events of 2020 Means for Leaders

After interviewing dozens of women leaders with organizations ranging in size of fifteen employees to Fortune 500 organizations, I discovered that there is one fundamental truth about storytelling and leadership. I’ve distilled these findings into the 5A Formula for Fearless Leadership™, and it is my passion to share this formula with all leaders in hopes […]


April 15, 2020

Why a Leader’s Story Matters…especially a Woman Leader

Last weekend was a busy and emotional one on many levels. We continued to hear of lost lives in China from the spread of a deadly virus. A basketball hero with an imperfect past perished with his 13 year old daughter and 7 other people in a helicopter crash. And regardless of our personal politics, […]

brave, Storytelling

January 29, 2020

As a Leader, Are you an Admirer or a Follower?

Some of you that know me personally know that I am currently working on a graduate degree at George Washington University. I study and research the future of leadership and change, with special emphasis on the future of female leadership. I’ve interviewed dozens of incredible female leaders over the last 9 months. Leaders from companies […]


November 12, 2019

Even the greatest leaders can’t change people

So who am I… and why would you read a blog post about the future of female leadership written by me? Well, my bet is that I’m not all that different from you. If you’re reading this post, you’re probably a leader, or maybe you’re an aspiring leader. You probably have a huge heart and […]


July 18, 2019

I’ve got some Questions for Women Leaders…